Oldham & Rochdale

Title Checker

TitleChecker® by CLS is a unique report that automates the task of investigating a title and examines Land Registry Records and the relevant parts of the CML Handbook Part 1 and Part 2 (where lender identifies) to identify elements that require attention.

TitleChecker® presents results in an easy to read format and offers the following benefits:

  • Saves time and money by automating title investigation
  • Assists with due diligence and informing the client
  • Suggests solutions to issue raised in the title
  • Reduces the risk of error within a local process orientated part of conveyancing
  • TitleChecker® is provided with the benefit of a Search Insurance policy offering cover up to a market value of £2m where there is an error in the Land Registry data

How does TitleChecker® work?

TitleChecker® identifies elements of the title that require attention and where possible will suggest a solution to enable the transaction to proceed. The report is split into three sections:

Property Detail

The basic elements of the Land Registry title, e.g tenure or grade of title.


Identifies matter that may affect the proprietors legal and/or beneficial interest in the property, e.g a caution or notice.


Relates to matters that may affect the proprietrs intended use of the property, e.g restrictive covenants or mineral rights.

TitleChecker® offers a summarised result for each of the above sections, itemised clearly at the top of the report. The overview analysis of each component is listed below. Where the report requires attention or is critical, details from the OC1 and CML Handbook are provided.

Validated / No Entry on Title

This aspect of the title complies with the CML Handbook Part 1 and Part 2 (where lender identified) and/or there are no adverse matters on the title.

Attention Required

There may be a discrepancy between the instructed information compared to the title OR this element of the title is deemed adverse.


There is an element of the title that fundamentally contravenes with the lending criteria of the proposed new lender.


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