Oldham & Rochdale

Drainage and Water

PSG Drainage and Drainage & Water Search


We are pleased to introduce the PSG Drainage Search, which is suitable for the majority of residential transactions.  The report answers key questions and identifies the location of any sewers and water mains.*

The report is produced by inspecting the public sewer/water maps maintained by the Sewerage Undertaker.

There are two report types available:

1. PSG Drainage Search
2. PSG Drainage and Water Search


Additional Consumer Protection

For additional peace of mind the report is accompanied by a Specialist Search Insurance policy from First Title Plc which provides protection for adverse entries that would have been revealed in a CON29DW sourced directly from the Sewerage and/or Water undertaker.  This policy is provided at no cost to the insured by PSG Financial Services Limited as part of its service.

Request a sample report

* Where available


The CON29DW Drainage and Water enquiry was introduced by the Law Society in 2002 and extended to include additional information considered relevant to consumer under HIP regulations. The search is compiled by the water and sewerage utility providers covering England and Wales, and provides additional information not included in the PSG Drainage Search including, building over consents, water pressure and risk of internal flooding.


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